PSP : Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Accel 3

October 25, 2014

 Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja accel 3 is the sixth instalment in the Ultimate Ninja series, announced as an exclusive title for the PlayStation Portable.
The game features 4-player local multi-player battles, as well as characters from Naruto: Shippūden's sixth season, including Sasuke and the members of Hebi. It also features a team techniques, like Naruto and Jiraiya perform Rasengan at the same time. It includes a story arc designed by Cyberconnect2 that is unique to this game, as well as a regular one that follows the Naruto Shippūden storyline and one that follows Sasuke's story and also was game-exclusive arc called Filler Story Mode, a continuation of previous arc. It has 50 playable characters, however pre-timeskip characters are not available.

Playable on : PlayStation Portable 
Series :Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Previous  Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2: The Phantom Fortress Release Date:  Japanese-December 10, 2009 and English-May 11, 2010


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1 comment

Gan,minta bantuanya dong yg udh main game ini,ane kesusahan di bagian 3 yg story mode,waktu ngelawan choji yg tantangan ke dua maksudnya apa yah?
